Friday 6 April 2012

The Visionary & Satirical Art of Mark Bryan

" Ever since I can remember, I have been troubled by the state of things. Maybe it was all that talk about heaven in Sunday school. A perfect world, why isn't like that here? I feel ripped off. Even the animals didn't eat each other in heaven. Imagine that.
Given this beautiful planet, our intelligence, talent and opposable thumbs, one would think that things for us would be a lot better than they are. I suppose I've carried a general disappointment in human nature for quite a while that makes itself apparent in most of my work. It seems to me that in terms of what we do to each other and to our environment, we really are fiddling while Rome burns. Perhaps we are either too smart or too dumb for our own good.
As a result of this perspective, satirical work is the logical direction for me...."

Mark Bryan (born in Southern California in 1950) is a very interesting and talented painter, gifted with an amazing technique and a 'pungent' point of view. Without doubt, he deserves our praise and attention...
Visit his colorful website to see paintings and read his artistic statement (and yes, buy originals and prints...even t-shirts...)
(click on paintings to see in larger format)

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