Monday, 18 March 2013

Xue Wang, Pop Surrealis Extraordinaire

Few days ago - thanks to my friend Dana's Shewalkssoftly - I stumbled upon Xue Wang, a talented pop surrealist whose works are among the most interesting and eye-catching art things that I've lately found on the web.
Let's say it: the works of this kind of artists - in particular the new ones - are often quite similar, with more or less the same subjects that repeat themselves:  fairy/vintage landscapes and surroundings, childish characters with wide, innocent eyes, toys and teddy-bears,  etc. and the inevitable dark, menacing atmosphere...
But I wouldn't say that this is necessarily a negative trend and they simply mutually mimic: in many cases I think that the most significant artists just share the same true inspiration and love for the same themes and subjects.
It's clear that also Xue Wang pays her tribute to the pop surrealism initiators like Mark Ryden, nonetheless her inspiration seems authentic and her pictorial tecnique is undoubtedly amazing.
I really like her artwork: if you do the same, please make a visit here and also here 

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