Every "experienced" person knows that the most meaningful and fruitful psychedelic sessions are those made in a comfortable, quiet setting, alone or with few selected friends. That said, many people also choose to have a psychedelic trip during music festivals and various kinds of gatherings; "Burning Man" in the U.S. or "Boom Fest" in Europe are a tipical entheogenic setting for many people.
In such a context, crowd, heat and sensory bombing can lead to emotional meltdowns and difficult experiences. For a few years now, small groups of people and independent harm reduction organizations are present at various events, giving support to people in need and sometimes also analyzing the content of pills and powders in the field.
Now some of the leading experts in harm reduction and psychedelic help have produced The Manual of Psychedelic Support, a comprensive guide written by psychedelic cognoscenti, therapists and artists (from MAPS, Erowid, Kosmicare, etc.) and dedicated to festival goers and organizers, or the individual psychonaut who wants to prepare a good self-experimentation and avoid possible problems.
The manual is also an essential guide to setting up and running compassionate core service during festivals and similar events.
The manual is free and you can download it here
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