Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Erowid Extracts 30

I'm happy to announce the publishing of Erowid Extracts #30. Erowid Extracts is the newsletter of Erowid, a non-profit educative organization whose website is the older, more reliable source of info about psychoactive substances on the Net. Since 1996, Erowid brilliantly works for spreading progressive, accurate and non-biased information about psychoactive plants and chemicals. This issue of EE is dedicated to Erowid's famous "Experience Vaults" an extensive on-line collection of first-hand drug experiences published since 2000 (more than 112.000 reports submitted!) The "Experience Vaults" - often a real life-saviour for young or uninformed users - is daily consulted by psychonauts. researchers, educators and medical specialists.
I strongly invite all the interested people to become a member of Erowid donating a contribution to this laudable organization. Becoming a member, you will receive the EE newsletter and a gift.
See details here 

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