I forever bow to Shiva Mahadeva, the supreme yogi and shaman. He's the Great Transformer, The Peaceful and the Terrible, in perennial intercourse with his shakti (female energy), personified by the white, peaceful Parvati or the black, terrific Durga or Kali. He's the protector of spiritual seekers, yogis, outcasts, outlaws, intoxicants takers and fools of God. He has a phallus as symbol, transforms poisons into nectar and is continually high on bhang. He masters all yogic powers and resides in deep meditation in the snowy peaks of Mount Kailash.
He dances naked, giving energy and rhythm to the world(s), has matted locks and his body is covered with ashes of the cremation grounds. He wears a snake around his neck, a trishul (trident) in his hands and the sacred Ganga river flows from his head.
He's the Lord of excess, the King of meditation, the crescent moon, the destroyer of rules and the loving friend of the poor and humble ones.
To this supreme symbol of total mind-control and eternal knowledge, to this eternal God of ecstasy, to this sacred principle I forever bow. Om namah Shivaya.

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