Thursday 5 February 2009

Sadhus: Naked Holy Men of India / part 1

Sadhus are the well known wandering monks of India. At a certain point of their life, these men (and women) were initiated into some of the several Hindu religious 'paths' and dedicated their entire life to the spiritual practices. Divided in two main groups, the 'Shaiva', devotees of Lord Shiva and his female counterparts/shakti (Parvati, Durga, Kali, etc.) and the 'Vaishnava', who celebrate Vishnu, his 'avatars' (Krishna, Ram...) and female goddesses (Sita, Radha...), they are deeply respected by Indian common people, who easily acknowledge their elevated states of consciousness and consider them a living example of virtue, wisdom and devotion, in some cases even sanctity...
Years ago I had the lucky chance to meet some of them in India and I can say that just staying with them for a while (at least with the 'real' ones....) you can learn a lot of things about practical and spiritual life, beside having a wonderful, up-lifting time.
And as you can see from the photos below, in many cases they've also a great aesthetical taste...

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