In these days the LEAP (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition) is sending out a message to all the people interested in helping to reform the politics on drugs in USA.
They say that American people have an unprecedented opportunity to get nation's lawmakers to finally realize that drug abuse and addiction is a public health - and not a criminal justice - issue. President Barack Obama recently appointed Seattle Police Chief Gil Kerlikowske as his White House "drug czar," more formally known as director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy.That means that the U.S. Senate will soon hold a hearing to question and confirm Chief Kerlikowske. Historically, the drug czar confirmation hearings are held in the Senate Judiciary Committee, the panel that handles crime and courts issues.But, since many observers - including the president himself - have said that drug abuse is primarily a health concern, don't people think that the drug czar confirmation should be handled by the lawmakers who oversee such issues? LEAP invite to take one minute to visit http://org2.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=QZwfevI9Pton4nfrzfmvmqdbafzTKOiB and send a letter to your two U.S. senators, asking them to support moving the drug czar confirmation hearing to the Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Committee, a much more appropriate forum. LEAP has made it really easy for you to take action. All you have to do is enter your contact information and click "send." If you have an extra minute, you can edit our pre-written letter to personalize it for added impact.With the new Obama administration, LEAP is cautiously optimistic that there will be a humane shift in drug policy: from the current punitive and forceful model, to a more compassionate one founded in public health.Indeed, President Obama has repeatedly called for a new health-based approach to drug policy, including when he told Rolling Stone magazine that he believes in "shifting the paradigm, shifting the model, so that we focus more on a public-health approach."Now, we have a brief window of time to get the message to our elected officials that we want to turn this rhetoric into reality.Please take one minute to visit http://org2.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=o3Aytss82D9sCJuGCaTkcKdbafzTKOiB to do your part by taking action. Then, use the simple follow-up form to let your friends know about this opportunity, too.
P.S. Did you know that you can get a cool LEAP badge lapel pin just by making a $5 (or more, if you like) one-time donation or montly pledge? Check out http://org2.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=9aZZE9Waj9%2Bv5azm2KcxPadbafzTKOiB for details.
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