Tuesday 21 April 2009

T-shirts against prohibition

StoptheDrugWar.org (DRCNet) have just released two new T-shirts that make their point about prohibition -- "Prohibition Doesn't Work," juxtaposing an image from alcohol prohibition days with an image from today's drug war; and "STOP," a graphic collage of words representing the many ills of the drug war with the caption "Prohibition costs money and lives, and doesn't work".

These new shirts support their exciting new 2009 "Changing Minds, Laws & Lives" campaign and will enable them to continue reaching people in communities all across our nation and the world. Join them today by generously donating to this campaign and by proudly wearing your T-shirt(s) to get the message out. For a contribution of $36, you can choose either of their new T-shirts. For a gift of $60 or more, you get both shirts. And for a contribution of $100 or more, you also get your choice of any single item from the StoptheDrugWar.org inventory.

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