Saturday 2 May 2009

Million Marijuana March 2009

The first Million Marijuana March is a annual rally held at different locations across the planet, generally on the first Saturday of May or thereabouts (this year most of the cities will march today, but in some cases - for ex. Rome - the march will be next Saturday, May 9.) The first march was in 1999, thanks to the efforts of Dana Beal and few other American activists (among these the Cannabis Culture magazine.) The march is a political event for the legalization of cannabis and to hasten the end of the useless and cruel "War on (some) drugs". This year more than 250 cities around the world will participate.
If you want to know if your city is on the list (or the nearest place available), go to:

Global Marijuana March

Cures not Wars

Cannabis Wikia

Let's march together to end the prohibition against this medicinal and sacred plant!!

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