Wednesday 24 June 2009

Atlas Obscura

"Piling up heaps of skulls of your vanquished foes represented the apogee of barbaric warlord behavior. This ancient practice survived in some cultures well into the historic times. Ćele Kula, (lit. Skull Tower) in Niš Serbia, built in 1809 by Turkish general Hurshi Pasha out of skulls of defeated Serb rebels represents one of the most recent and best preserved examples of this tradition..."

You can find this and other strange and unusual infos ( about medical and pharmacy museums, lost tribes, musical and natural wonders, just to name a few...) on the wonderful site Atlas Obscura, "a compendium of the world's wonders, curiosities and esoterica". If you are a lover of bizarre things like me, don't hesitate and make a visit here...

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