Wednesday 22 December 2010

Gaia Media Foundation

The Gaia Media Foundation is a non-profit organization established in Basel (Switzerland) on 23rd of July 1993. They communicate information for a holistic and up to date understanding of our existence, and the potential of human consciousness. They equally respect the knowledge and the experience of ancient cultures, spiritual traditions, and of modern science, without committing themself to a particular view or direction. They advocate the firm belief that the ability and desire to achieve transcendence is inherent in man, and that expanded states of consciousness shed light upon the knowledge of the laws of life, of nature, and the universe.
In 2006 Gaia Media Foundation organized the successful  LSD International Symposium and in 2008 the World Psychedelic Forum and currently publishes a free monthly electronic newsletter presenting news, links, media and events around  topics like Gaia, life, psychedelics, consciousness and human evolution.
Please visit their interesting and regularly up-dated website  and  consider to become a sponsor or make a donation.

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