Monday 20 December 2010

Horizons Conference 2010 videos online

Now you can see several videos of lectures from the "Horizons: Perspectives on Psychedelics" 2010 conference held on Sept. 24-26 in New York City. See here the list of available videos and see below the lecture made by Bob Wold, founder and President of Clusterbusters, a no-profit research and educational organization dedicated to finding effective treatments of Cluster Headache. Cluster Headaches are among the most painful headaches which may afflict the human beings. Dr. Todd Rozen  in an article published in US Neurology Review, October 2008 had this to say: "There is no more severe pain than that sustained by a cluster headache sufferer and if not for the rather short duration of attacks most cluster sufferers would choose death rather than continue suffering. Cluster has been nicknamed the 'suicide headache' because cluster sufferers typically have thought about taking or have taken their lives during a cluster headache."
Interestingly, in recent times it has been found tha low doses of psilocybin are extremely useful to ease the pain and even make the crisis less frequent; possibly a miracle for all Cluster Headache sufferers who until today hadn't found any effective treatment for their unbearable pain. Make a visit to Clusterbusters now!
(if you can't see the video here, just click on the title below it and see directly on Vimeo)

Horizons 2009: Bob Wold Suicide or Psychedelics from Horizons on Vimeo.

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