Wednesday 8 February 2012

Save the Sacred Site of Wirikuta

Wirikuta is the Indian Huicholes' sacred site, situated in the mountains of central Mexico. Traditionally the Huicholes make a long and exhausting annual pilgrimage to Wirikuta, a remote desert region where they ritually harvest  peyote, the  Huicholes' sacrament.
That's a magical place and a millennial tradition now endangered by the incoming digging of a silver mine...

From Reality Sandwich:
The Wirikuta Cultural and Ecological Reserve, located in Real de Catorce, Mexico, is in danger of irreversible due to Canadian mining company First Majestic Silver Corp's planes to mine silver there.
The site is sacred to the Wixarika people (Huicholes' traditional name) who practice their ancient religion in this reserve. The landscape is not only crucial to the lifestyle and culture of the native hinabitants, but it is also home to an immense variety of animal and planet species, some endangered.
Despite the fact that Wirikuta is protected by the World Network of Sacred Sites, the federal government has granted First Majestic Silver Corp the opportunity to mine there.
To help stop this blatant attack on our people and planet, visit the following sites for more information and ways to help out:  (video)

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