Sunday 7 September 2014

Bali: In The Highlands

Hi people, happy to see you again! Terra Incognita is back after a long (...too short...) period of "holiday" made of total relax, contemplation and meditation, celebrations under the stars, chanting and singing and the usual excursions in modified states of consciousness, with and without the help of psychoactive molecules...
Let's begin with a visual trip to Bali, the fascinating and magical island "discovered" by hippie travelers in the '60s and currently one of the preferred exotic destination  of young - and less young - Western tourists...

"A journey through interior Bali that takes us to the Lake Temple, Tampaskiring Spring Temple, a rare look at a cremation ceremony for a beloved village priest, glimpses of the Barong, Kris, Fire, and Kecak dances, Wayan Kulit puppet theater, the landscapes and the village craftsmen of this magical island."
(Video by Bob Krist)

Bali: In the Highlands from Bob Krist on Vimeo.

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