Friday 11 December 2015

The Mazatec Project

For twenty years Kathleen Harrison (an ethnobotanist who founded Botanical Dimensions with her late husband Terence McKenna in 1985) has been doing periodical, ethnobotanical fieldwork with an indigenous Mazatec healer or "curandero", in the mountains of Southern Mexico. The healer is now 87 years old. Recently Kat recorded their conversations about the spirit, philosophy and techniques of healing in this tradition, using plants and fungi as sacraments. This wise teacher now wishes to share his perspective. He speaks entirily in the beautiful Mazatec language, with his granddaughter translating into Spanish. They now hope to create a film that will be available in Mazatec, Spanish and English
If this project touches you, you may read about it on Botanical Dimensions website and donate to support it.
(And don't forget the recent opening of their Ethnobotanical Research Library in Occidental, California, USA)

Botanical Dimensions: The Mazatec Project from Botanical Dimensions on Vimeo.

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