Saturday 28 February 2009

Bizarre and psychedelic fishes

Scientist have appropriately named a newly discovered fish as "Psychedelica" (Histiophrine psychedelica), as it has wild swirl of tan and peach zebra strips and behaves in ways contrary to its brethren.
The Psychedelica, with rare, forward-facing eyes (like humans) and a secretive behaviour, was discovered about a year ago in the waters near Ambon Island, Indonesia.
Speaking about strange and bizarre fishes, a good companion to Psychedelica could be the 'barreleye fish', Micropinna Microstoma, a deep sea fish with a transparent head and tubular eyes. Discovered in 1939, this fish seems to enjoy depths of 2,ooo-2,600 ft and often remains motionless, letting their eyes to spot - also through the transparent top - food and possible predators.

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