Thursday 3 February 2011

Better Living Through Chemistry

Connie Littlefield, director of Hofmann's Potion, a movie about Dr. Albert Hofmann's 'problem child/wonder drug' LSD, is currently raising development funding for Better Living Through Chemistry,a documentary telling the story of Nick Sand & Tim Scully, underground chemists & visionaries.
(from betterlivingthroughchemistry :)

This film will tell the story of underground psychedelic chemistry: the people who made the drugs; their adventures evading the law; and society’s mixed emotions about the experiences they produced.
Beginning with the prohibition against LSD in 1966 and lasting until Sand’s final capture in 1996. A large amount of the underground LSD available in North America was made by
Nicholas Sand,  and Tim Scully: in partnership with Owsley Stanley: .
This film tells the story of ‘Orange Sunshine,’ 'White Lightening,' 'Purple Monterey' and other incarnations of LSD. Sand & Scully made the finest, purest LSD ever created, & evaded the law for a really long time.
We will hear from the chemists themselves; their kids, wives and ex-wives; business associates; friends; former friends; psychedelic groupies; narcotics agents; and the judge who was called out of retirement to convict Nick for a second time.
How dangerous did the authorities think these guys were? They were willing to free a mass murderer in exchange for testimony against them. In 1974, George Wethern, leader of the Los Angeles chapter of Hell’s Angels, testified against Sand & Scully in exchange for immunity— on 104 counts of murder.
The DEA wanted to make an example of them, so the court gave Nick 15 years and Tim 20. Tim sold his company to its employees, tried to console his widowed mother, and went to prison. Nick jumped bail and headed to Canada, where he continued making psychedelics for another 20 years.
Our subjects were not in it for the money: they were on a mission from God (most of the time). This film relates the true legacy of the 1960s: the drug war, the psychedelic vision, and humanity’s ongoing struggle to value love over money.
Sand and Scully have taken a completely candid approach to this film and granted Conceptafilm the exclusive right to tell this story. Because of their support, many doors have opened: archival materials - documents, photos, and old home movies - have arrived on our doorstep. Secondary subjects are stepping up to have their say.
I met Nick &Tim a few years ago, while researching my earlier film, "Hofmann's Potion:" . In some ways, this project is a continuation of that story - although very different stylistically.
We are currently raising development money for what will be a feature-length documentary. With the funds we raise through Kickstarter, we will shoot & edit a short demo, and write a treatment for the film. A budget and marketing plan will complete the development package. With these tools, we will have no trouble finding completion financing.